Saturday, January 4, 2014

Food trends to expect in 2014

Alright guys, I have been SO excited to share this article that I received in my Daily News email from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics. The article is 10 hot food trends to expect in 2014 and it is outlining some of the things that are expected to be emerging in the food industry this year. There are a few things in this list that are really exciting to me, particularly the strides being made within the grocery store and how we shop and utilize our stores. So lets take a look at what experts are anticipating.

What to expect:

  1. Socially responsible companies take the lead: the article states that According to a survey by ConAgra Foods, 62 percent of consumers “appreciate, and want to support, companies that donate to important social causes.” I personally hope that this statistic continues to grow. It is so refreshing to see a good cause being recognized and awarded. Hopefully this catches are other companies recognize that people appreciate community oriented values. Money well spent!
  2. Responsible/edible food packaging: Turns out the "go green" movement is making some strides! This is something that is exciting and a little bit terrifying. I think it is really great that companies are putting forth an effort to minimize their footprint. As far as the edible packaging; that sounds a little scary to me. While everyone is concerned with over processed foods it seems a little counter productive to go as far as making wrappers a "food". If they can pull this off while making something that is safe and nutritious and not just added calories then I am in full support. 
  3. Tech-savvy shoppers: This is one of the trends that excites me. With the exponential growth of smart phones and devices the number of apps out there for anything you could ever imagine is just crazy to wrap your mind around. That being said, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of apps out there relating to the food industry. The use of apps to help make grocery shopping easier and more efficient is booming right now. Not only will you find apps for helping navigate the grocery store but there are also meal planning apps, nutrition information apps, ingredient information apps, the list goes on and on. I SERIOUSLY encourage you to get into your play store or app center and just type in "grocery store" and you will find a PLETHORA of great apps to take with you on your next shopping trip.
  4. Jet-setting around the home: This is something that I think has already begun with the introduction of the world foods isle at big name grocery stores, but the thought of this trend growing is very exciting. 
  5. Snack happy: Experts are saying that the awareness of people's snacking habits exists and that stores are making efforts to move people from snacks packed with trans fats to healthier options. They will be using product placement and advertisement efforts to help people make better choices. Just today as I was at Meijer I saw a mother and her young son snacking on a handful of green bean chips they got from a sample table. This little boy seemed just as happy with his snack as if he were munching on potato chips. Just goes to show that people do have the ability to be progressive in their eating habits, they just might need a little push. So way to go Meijer, keep up the good work!
  6. Waste not, want not: This is referring to bad habit we all have....wasting food. Experts hope that trends will shift towards people being more conscious of their food waste. As far as I am concerned, I will believe it when I see it. People are very glutinous in their spending habits when it comes to food. Advise to make this trend a reality is to make a list and make a plan for what you will do with your groceries once you get home. Prioritize what foods must be used earlier in the week to avoid them going bad.
  7. Tea-time: According to this article tea is the most globally friendly beverage. They predict that the tea trend will continue to grow this year (hopefully someone will introduce me to a tea I like, because right now I am not a fan!)
  8. New superfoods: Superfoods have been popping up for years and years now. Last year we were all on the quinoa, kale, and chia kicks. This year experts say we will be seeing some new grains taking the stage such as freekah and teff and the veggie this year being cauliflower! As with all superfood trends; have fun experimenting but do not forget that no one food represents all of a food group so don't over do it.
  9. "Free-from" foods: If you haven't heard of the new gluten free trend then I must ask; what rock have you been living under? Last year has left us with a BOOM in growth of food allergies. So naturally food products have followed the trend accordingly. This year it is predicted that companies will continue to make developments in these allergy friendly products. Consumers beware, just because something is labeled as "_____-free" does NOT mean that it is better for you in any nutritional way. As the article states "a gluten-free donut is still a donut with just as much fat, sugar and calories as it’s regular counterpart."
  10. The new culinary school: DRUM ROLL PLEASE! This is the trend that I am MOST excited for. According to the article there are already many stores that participate in in-store cooking lessons, I have yet to experience one, but would LOVE to find one. I think that incorporating lessons in consumers' shopping experiences could be a real key to getting people involved and making them aware of what they are eating and feeding their families. The thing that is perfect about this idea is that you are catching the shopper IN the store. So you plant the seed, and then send them on their way to use their newly learned skills. This is going to increase the chances of them making better choices in their shopping exponentially. I really hope this catches, I would love to be part of this trend!
So go fourth and grow my friends! Embrace our technological advances and keep supporting your companies with good causes!

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